Welcome to HappiHello!

Welcome to HappiHello!

Hello, and welcome to HappiHello!Ā 

In this first blog post, youā€™ll get a behind the scenes look at the artist / owner / maker / marketer / accountant / booth staffer behind HappiHello: Eileen Ann. This blog will serve as a home for HappiHello news, tutorials, fun facts, and more.Ā 

And with that introduction, letā€™s get started!

How I got started

Crafting has always been a lifelong hobby of mine. I started crafting at 9 years old when I received a bead making kit as a Christmas present. I loved opening up the physical book and adjoining bead kit full of sparkly beads and trinkets. Iā€™d pore over each page for hours, sucked in by the process of taking a bunch of seemingly random supplies and slowly, but surely, building something beautiful out of them.

I then moved onto scrapbooking, cardmaking, painting, ceramics, crochet, drawing, and whatever else I stumbled across at Michaels. For years IĀ dreamed of working at Michaels as a sales associate for my first job. When I turned 15, I marched into the Michaels in Braintree, MA and asked for an application. I unfortunately was too young to work there, so they told me, ā€œCome back next year!ā€ I instead took a job at the East Milton Fruit Center Marketplace, a gourmet supermarket in the next town over, for the gap year.Ā 

I went back to Michaels when I turned 16, and I got the job! As they say, the rest is history.

Launching HappiHello

In 2016, I participated in Twitter NYC's Holiday Bazaar as an employee doing 'this crafting thing' as a hobby on the side. I was still mainly focused on climbing the corporate ladder. After an exciting decade working in tech, which included an IPO, an acquisition, and two unicorns, I needed a break. After some soul searching, I knew I had to follow this creative fire inside me, so I resigned from my corporate job in early 2022 and took a leap of faith.

On May 31, 2022, I launched HappiHello - finally fulfilling a lifelong dream of opening a small craft business. It has only been a few short months, but I'm loving every minute of it and am so excited to see where this next chapter will take me this year (and beyond).

Fast facts

  • Hometown: Quincy, MA
  • Favorite season: Autumn
  • Favorite color: Teal
  • Favorite drink: Moscow mule
  • Favorite cuisine: Thai
  • Favorite movie: Forrest Gump
  • Dogs or cats: Dogs šŸ¶
  • Dawn or dusk: Dawn
  • Roller coasters? No way
  • Horror movies? No way
  • Crafting: Hell yes!
  • One item I canā€™t live without: Chapstick
  • One item I can live without: Charging cords

Letā€™s stay in touch

I love meeting paper crafts and stationery enthusiasts.Ā 

  • Be sure to sign up for the HappiHello newsletter below.
  • Follow @HappiHello on Instagram.
  • Get in touch onĀ theĀ Contact page.


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